What we do

Apex Drone carry out inspections of utility towers and powerlines utilising the industry leading Falcon 8 which is the most advanced mutlicopter currently available for professional aerial imaging and inspections. 

The Falcon 8 has built-in failsafe’s and is resistant to magnetic interference and temperature variations which allows for operating drone inspections in close proximity to power infrastructure even in the most challenging conditions.


Our drone inspection team can survey powerlines much more cost effectively and efficiently than when compared to traditional techniques. Utility inspections can also be performed without the requirement of ‘working at heights’ which significantly reduces the risk on site.

Our drones are built to work in close proximity to live power infrastructure and have the agility to reach areas which may have previously been considered difficult or impossible.

Some of the key advantages include:

  • Significant cost savings
  • Far less time on site, with results delivered in fraction of time
  • Reduced risk of working at heights
  • Reduce utility shut down
  • Limit exposure to live powerlines.